Genrefying – Part 1

So, I have decided to genrefy my new library.  Not only have I wanted to genrefy, but I feel that should help circulation.  I have seen many sites and articles stating that.  So, this is my story.

I’m starting with going through the collection and writing small on the inside cover what section it belongs to.  And I’m noticing some things.  First.  I don’t have a section for something that several books belong to, and they don’t seem to belong to something else… this is frustrating.  Had I realized, I would have ordered more/different labels.  So, I may be switching things around…. Second.  This takes a hecka long time!  I worked for around 2 hours today and got three shelves done.  That’s not including the new books I already got, plus the ones on my reshelving cart which I also got.  So, this will definitely take several more days, depending on interruptions.

Then, of course, there is the labeling itself. I just (excitedly) ordered my supplies for this.  Excited because I got to actually order myself, but that’s another story for another post.  But, yeah, they are ordered and hopefully won’t take too long to get here.  Hence why I’m doing the genre figuring out first.   I also have to relabel a hecka lot of books… another story though.

Overall, I’m excited for this project.  It is a labor of love.  But, as I talk it up more to people, I’m definitely getting some buy in.  We shall see…


My current genre list…