Proposal Writing

So, I did it.  I submitted my first solo conference proposal.  It isn’t the most elegant proposal ever, but I’m proud to say that I submitted it.  What’s the worst they can say?  No.

I’ve always said I want to be like amazing librarians like Nikki Robertson or Jen LaGarde.   I may or may not stalk their websites on and off, reading blog posts they post, and otherwise just wanting to be them.  Not because they lead glorious lives (maybe they do, I can’t truly say…) but because they stand up in front of people, possibly hundreds of people, and they don’t ever seem nervous, they don’t appear afraid.  They are out there, their words and ideas are being heard, and frankly I would like that too.

I have anxiety when it comes to speaking in front of my peers.  Now, this seems weird for a teacher who stands up and talks in front of students daily, but teaching and speaking in front of peers are really two different things.  I work with a group of high school color guard girls, and I’m perfectly fine.  But going in front of a crowd of librarians or tech people… shoot, that is just a lot.

Here’s the “but”.   But, I want to speak in front of people.  I want to be a google trainer someday.  And I know I have to start somewhere.  Everybody does, right?  This conference is a local conference – a google conference.  I figure, why the heck not start there?  So, I typed stuff up, submitted it, and yeah.   We will see.  I’m excited to just say, yes, I took that jump, and I submitted a proposal.  Go me.

Level 2 Certification Obtained

imageI don’t know how this slipped by me, but I forgot to announce that I am a Level 2 Certified Google Edicator!!! I’m quite excited. I really had to work hard for this level, but I’m so excited that I was successful!  I have been sharing this with my colleagues, trying to get them to look into this as well, at least the Level.  With so many schools now being GAFE schools, it just makes sense that they should go out and work on ways to increase their usage of GAFE at school.  I know that many don’t utilize it as best as they could, so I’m trying to be the role model for my building.

Ive been using more GAFE in my library lessons, as well as using Slides specifically in combination with Nearpod.  But, I’ll leave my quest for that certification for another post.  Until later…